Acupuncture is one of the tools used to treat issues from acute and chronic pain to kidney disease. The effects are magnified when used as part of a holistic approach to health.
Canine Rehabilitaion
Rehab exercises can be used to keep your pup flexible and strong as they age, providing a better quality of life. Pets with arthritis benefit tremendously from home exercises, massage and joint manipulations. It is also commonly recommended after orthopedic surgeries.
Nutrition is the foundation of good health. Ultra processed foods (kibble and canned) are proven to cause chronic inflammation and disease. Dr Nobrega can help with home-cooked meals or choosing a commercially prepared diet that works for you and your pet.
Vaccines are a useful tool to prevent deadly diseases, but we must be careful not to over-vaccinate our pets.
Dr Nobrega will discuss with you the specific needs of your pet, the duration of immunity of each vaccine and design a protocol specific to your needs.
Laboratory tests
Dr Nobrega can provide regular annual blood and fecal tests, urine tests, pre-op panels and more specialized Vitamins, thyroid hormone panels and Cancer Risk Assessment tests for your pet.
General Practice
Dr Nobrega will provide a full exam, checking eyes, ears, teeth, lymph nodes, heart and lungs, abdominal palpation, assess for arthritic pain and joint range of motion and even anal gland exams.
Chinese Herbs
Chinese herbs are an ancient form of medicine, developed 5000 years ago and many of the components of these herbal combinations are currently being studied and shown to provide the effect that the ancient texts described. Dr Nobrega has used herbs to treat kidney disease, skin disease and seizures among other conditions
End of Life
Dr Nobrega offers quality of life consultations and end of life services at home. She can also provide cremation services if required.
Dr Nobrega can recommend local specialists, surgeons, internists and specialty hospitals that she has worked with.